Google Desktop Search has finished indexing my workstation & I'm pretty satisfied with the prima facie results. The interface is especially endearing. I firmly believe Google has the power to redirect computer users to the Linux platform by building products for it. This would easily fit into its vision and ambitions. Linux is in desperate need of a benevolent evangalist capable of not overwhelming computer users with tech talk. I think it's great that corporates like IBM & Sun are pushing Linux in a big way, but their high flying disposition can hardly persuade users to try the Open Source platform.
IE acts cranky on my machine & I've once again had to download the very reliable Firefox 1.5 (Beta). Works flawlessly. I've lost count of the number of times Firefox has come to my rescue.
The fan in my PC seems to be turbo charged. It's more noisy than the exhause of a steam engine! Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (played via Yahoo! Music) sounds like some helpless bird caught in the midst of a hurricane!
IE acts cranky on my machine & I've once again had to download the very reliable Firefox 1.5 (Beta). Works flawlessly. I've lost count of the number of times Firefox has come to my rescue.
The fan in my PC seems to be turbo charged. It's more noisy than the exhause of a steam engine! Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (played via Yahoo! Music) sounds like some helpless bird caught in the midst of a hurricane!
Firefox has many advantages over IE, though they may not seem so to the untrained eye. Caching happens to be a case in point and even Google has clearly acknowledged this. Google News has been specially tweaked to take advantage of it.
About the NASA thing, well, the fault may be with NASA's ftp servers. Believe me, once you get the hang of it, Firefox is a darling!
After all ours a software services based industry n we're coolies; coding coolies. hai ki nahi.