Yahoo!, on the other hand, has played a low profile in trumpeting its Desktop Search features in its own inimitable style. Why it downplays its own strengths is beyond me. I had tried it during its initial days on Ashwini's PC sometime in May...and was deeply impressed. It searched thru more file types than Google and was supposed to be more complete and usable.
I've just downloaded Google Desktop Search on my office desktop.
Let's not forget MSN Desktop Seach. The Microsoft guys have been unfairly drummed each time someone comes up with a nifty tool. Microsoft, unlike others, is burdened with roping in a lot of additional bag-&-baggage each time it tries to come up with a product. Modularity is not an option it enjoys too often. However, in its overzealousness, it ends up pushing all its makings on to the face of the user. MSN Desktop Search is a case in point.
Well, to the victor goes the spoils!