Those were the days! I didn't own a computer, still don't. Year 2000 will go down in history as the year when people exhibited their stupid ideas with unbridled enthusiasm. was the offspring of one such crazy idea. A virtual desktop was created over the Net which could be accessed through any browser. I must concede the product was a stunner to look at! It looked almost exactly like a real desktop with its own taskbar, screen icons, mail client and even a browser! I was so addicted to it that everynight I would visit a cybercafe and surf the Net only via I was proud of flaunting my 'environment' to all and sundry. However, the dotcom bust had just began and I got to know of something called 'revenue model', something entirely alien to my beloved site! Suddenly, it became an endangered species and I began to count its days. Sure enough, the dreadful day did come. It was the 24th of December, 2000. BTW, the dotcom bust had obliterated so ...