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Showing posts from March, 2009

Cone Conned

Pampered myself to an Amul TriCone. The fool that I was, I blindly believed its QP (Quoted Price) of Rs.20, though the MRP was only Rs.15. Exactly the same thing must have happened yesterday as well. Who says dishonesty doesn’t pay? It pays big time.


Andromeda is switching itself off all of a sudden right in the middle of work. It’s not the gradual shut down but a sudden off, like a TV being shut off. Last night was the 4th or 5th time in 1.5 years that it happened. My guess is it’s the overheating that’s to blame. Each time the anomaly happened, Andromeda had been working for long hours and had become very hot. I guess AMD machines having a problem with overheating isn’t an entirely unfounded allegation.

The latest me

  Since I don a new look every year, I thought it best to remind my readers of my present visage!

The Secret Vault

Remember a previous half-hearted effort to keep some posts secret that would be made public only in the distant future? Well, its time has finally come. The probable date for lifting the veil is 1st Jan , 2040 . A special category ‘ secret ’ will be used to identify my most intimate thoughts too inflammable for their times.

Side A or B

I don’t quite remember which side it was, but this was the first track on one of my all-time favorite cassettes. It’s the instrumental rendition of Gentle On My Mind by Boots Randolph. If I’m ever asked to name my Top 10 nostalgic tracks, this would be one of them. Beware, the mp3 file is externally hosted and the editing is flawed.

My Nano comment for NYTimes

Proud Pic

This photo, snapped by Ritam, found its way to the NYTimes . One day when I’m rich enough to splurge, I hope to buy this car…not only because it’s inexpensive but also because I’m indebted to the TATAs for everything. For its price, the Nano looks incredibly cool. Ritam has been trumpeting since morning!

Nano birth…

…as witnessed by Ritam tonight.

Food & Vibes

Dosa for lunch. Haldiram’s bhel , cakes and 2 chocolate bars for dinner. No matter how hard I resolve to remain off junk food, I’m hardly successful. What’s more, one of the straps of my slippers snapped and I had to walk home barefoot. To top it all, an innocuous tweet generated intensely cold vibes.

A movie we loved

Didi, Dad and I had watched this movie years ago on DD. One of the first shots was of a man on a galloping horse breaching security. The sentry fires a warning shot…and an innocent little bird falls from the sky! How we laughed! I caught the flick today on Joost and couldn’t help thinking of our first TV.

Press misTrust of India

PTI should really get some people who know English. The following article appeared in today’s edition of the Times of India. A youth was sentenced to life imprisonment for attacking a girl by throwing acid through one side love here. Additional Session Judge A B Mahajan declared this judgment yesterday. The youth Arvind Ashok Sonar was news paper seller and fall in one side love with a girl. The incident occurred on November 21, 2007 when Sonar came to know that marriage of the girl was fixed, then Sonar went to her apartment and thrown acid towards her. After the incident Shahupuri police arrested him and file case against him. I’m sure even the ‘news paper seller’ could write better! For the uninitiated, the Times of India has the widest circulation among all English-language broadsheets in the world.

Connected to the Free Internet Chess Server

The BabasChess interface is too complicated. I’ll have to spend some time before I begin to understand how this weird thing works.

The changing face of communication

One of my first emails 11 years ago was to a friend seated right next to me. I had no one else's id to shoot a mail to. Id’s gradually trickled in and I soon had so many that I often couldn’t remember the faces behind them. The address book came to my rescue. Inboxes were fun, SPAM was a scourge though. I learned to live with the menace, it wasn’t easy. Reminiscence would often loom around those nostalgic years when my prayers to see an impregnated mailbox each time I logged in went unanswered. Personal letters had become a thing of the past. That’s when IM and IRC happened. I would find more people chatting with acquaintances using instant messengers like ICQ or with strangers using the then-ubiquitous mIRC than browsing the web. A/S/L (Age/Sex/Location) was the de-facto way to initiate chat with strangers. ICQ was a craze amongst geeks. I somehow managed to crack ICQ and even made friends with a Hong-Kong teen, though my contact list remained mostly blank since most of my frien...

After Dark

Power cuts are frequent nowadays and my only saving grace in the dark is Pallavi, my kid neighbor. She barges topless into my room each time there is a load-shedding and probes every nook and corner to unearth anything that fancies her imagination. Exceedingly proud of her miniature crockery set, she imported some plates and cups into my room yesterday and we pretended to have a tea party. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

2 pleasant emails

I uttered an OH!!!! when I checked my inbox this morning. Jhumur had replied! An anecdotal presumption was corrected: she had an arranged marriage. Geoff Clark from Microsoft enquired if all was well with my Windows Calendar. I’m staggered he’s still pursuing the issue after so many months. Thanks, Geoff!

Briefly Uneasy

The shorts I’m currently wearing are so tight around my waist, my legs have gone limp for lack of blood supply. I’ve been waiting for almost a year for the elastic to slacken, but it seems to be in no mood to relent. My growing flab isn’t helping either. Compare this with my Rupa briefs whose elastic is so dysfunctional, they would have surely slipped all the way down had it not been for the trousers I wear over them. I had no choice but to retire Rupa long ago.

Well Groomed!

Clicked in Jamshedpur, this is my favorite snap. As usual, I had an upset tummy. You can see it writ large on my face! Thanks to Didi for the reclick.

School Friends

I got chatting with Anjan this evening and he told me about Lekha, the adorable mother-figure of our class in Gulmohur High School. I was elated to learn that she’s in Sharjah and that she and Anjan occasionally correspond via email. Email seems like a dinosaur (I’m ashamed of this admission!) in the age of social networking. Apparently, sites like Orkut are banned there –Islamic ideology at work, I presume. I’m waiting eagerly for a reply from her. Next in line was news about Jhumur!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, those extraneous exclamation marks reiterate how special she once was to me (not the other way around, mind you!), the first terrestrial object I found as interesting as the celestial ones! I owe my interest in homo-sapiens to her. According to my informant, this bong babe fell in love with someone during her college days in New Delhi. They soon tied the knot (the guy was in IT, I’m told) and moved to…London, of all places! Nice to catch up.