Reviews of Google Chrome have been rave in general. If the world could look at how many failed attempts Andromeda made at adopting the Chrome, I suspect perception of the newborn would turn very hostile.
I must have tried installing Chrome at least 20 times by now. These are two of the massages I’ve received during various stages of sinking into insanity:
Only once did the product work…and even that joyride came to an end when I closed the browser window.
Scouring through forums, I’ve found that few people have experienced the same problem. I just hope this snag is taken care of before long.
Chrome seems to have put a lot of attention into Javascript. Benchmarks clearly prove Chrome faster than other browsers in rendering Javascript–heavy pages. But I personally feel Javascript is generally only a tiny part of a webpage. Most pages won’t see significant benefits. As one gentleman picturesquely put it, if you have a toilet that flushes 10x faster, how much you actually benefit from it depends on how often you worship the porcelain temple!