But this is not about the song. It's about an idiosyncrasy of mine. I keep coming across these wonderful sources of news from all over the web. It's hard to let go of them and I end up subscribing to their feeds via my newsreader. Finally, I have so many sources, my reader is flooded with news items within minutes.
I feel I'm missing something if I don't go through all the articles. But even beginning to try doing so is futile since there is way too much to read. To add to my woes, sifting through the redundancies exhausts precious time. Yahoo! Pipes may offer a vestigial solution, but brings in its own set of problems. I don't like another insulating layer between me and the news source since it greatly delays news delivery. Also, the concept of pipes doesn't go along well with folders or tags.
Sometimes I feel Yahoo! News is more than enough for me. It is per se. But I fear missing quality articles from the likes of TIME and NYTimes. Back to square one! I'm a true news addict. Obsessive-compulsive disorder in the making?!