I went on to rue those moments of infantile ignorance. Sagan became my hero and I framed his photo for inspiration. Dad bought me his book by the same name. It was sheer serendipity that brought me to the doorstep of this wonder series yet again today.
Since bandwidth is a rare commodity, I've been able to watch only the first 13 mins of Episode 9. Two things came to the fore.
- Sagan inadvertently spoke about the history behind the name of a search engine that was yet to come into existence then. Ironically, it was through this search engine that I managed to rediscover the series.
- A score from Handel's Water Music was being played in the background while Sagan explained the nature of matter sitting in a banquet hall in Cambridge University. I used to listen to this score very often during my Pune days.
sky watching even with a telescope and all, since dey have strated space tourism
would u like 2 be a space passenger ? .
might become possible in ur lifetime ,
just if d costs come down r u become richer and more technology is developed ,
and our govt can afford it ,
possibilities look slim , but den dere is .