But the occasional surprises do spring up, thanks to Santosh getting into the snooping act! So it was, when at 12:45 this morning I discovered-much to my delight-the Hollywood movie Troy. Now I was supposed to get up in exactly 6 hrs, but temptations are hard to resist, especially when you seldom chance upon such movies.
I at once began watching the movie, although I wished we had discovered it a few hours ago. It was getting late and I was becoming increasingly worried about getting up on time in the morning. Needless to say, I found the movie thoroughly relishing and that egged me on.
A timely intervention came when the first movie file was over and it was time to load the second. It was also high time I went off to sleep since it was nearing 2. Decided to put off watching the second-half until after I came back from office. A timely decision!
I have my alarm set for 0645 hrs each morning, and this morning when I woke up (inspite of lacking in sleep) to its chimes, I decided to snooze a little, maybe 5 mins-I thought. Yeah, I snoozed all right...but for a longer duration! When I woke up with a start, I realized to my horror that it was 7:30!
For a moment, I thought of giving up since the situation was hopeless. Time to miss the bus again-I reckoned. But then I realized how indispensable I had suddenly become to the IT industry. The responsibilities, the expectations and the impending adulations to be heaped upon me were too much to be ignored. I couldn't betray my fellow techies lest the fledgling Indian software industry collapse.
So I sprang into action and got ready in record time-20 minutes flat! I didn't even know I had such hidden talents! Anyway, I successfully made up for lost time and dashed for the bus stop. Made it just in time!
I went on to work like an ass from 9 AM to 8:30 PM. Hey, whatever happened to all the adulation I was expecting?! Sigh, it's a thankless job. Came back home depleted and dozy. Watched the remaining part of the movie. It was definitely worth a watch.
good for you . dejavu again and again
from slumbering , missing busses and work
one thing y can't u keep motorbike
it would be convenient , it might
give u the freedoom to boom anywhere
u want .