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In retrospect

I've seldom bothered to go through my previous posts. When I do, I discover to my horror the innumerable grammatical errors that have crept in without my knowledge. It's an embarrassment..really!


Anonymous said…
Ya deepanjan too many mistakes, I was embarrased to see so many mistakes, please take care when u write hence.. Otherwise u will be strictly dealt with :)
Anonymous said…
How does it matter who it is , or as Cyrus says, What it is ? U said u said u will upload something on power cuts, when will that article come ?
Deepanjan said…
It'll come after I cut your throat...and after I get some time.
Anonymous said…
Okie permission granted, no probs, take ur time, R u so busy with ..ya :)
Anonymous said…
ur doing things in livewire, mistakes are bound, so why embrassed, after all it is not a contest. carry on with the great showcase item.sshowstopper-asoka
Anonymous said…
Being anon. could be so much fun. BTW, I am a different anonymous. This will be entertaining!
Anonymous said…
Hey deepu lunch is over come back or are u still busy with ....
Anonymous said…
Copy cats, both of guys couldn't possibly come anywhere close to the original master of anonymity, Sameer. BTW, I am not him.
Anonymous said…
Too many Anons spoil the blog!!!
Hey wait a minute, this blog is already spoilt. In fact, IT STINKS!!!
Deepanjan said…
IT STINKS...right.

My blog keeps my antiparticle busy!
Anonymous said…
Gives you something to do Deep apart from working on NB IDE :D
Deepanjan said…
Oh, SAP keeps me occupied already! But Sameer's perverted antics are a welcome relief!
BTW, I'm on MSN Messenger id deepanjan_nag_xp.
Anonymous said…
Hey Birdbrain!! There is only one comment that I wrote. I haven't written any of these anonymous comments. And you are a pervert yourself!!!
Anonymous said…
Good ol' Sameer back to his bashing ways.

I wonder what you're like on days when you're actually bored.
Deepanjan said…
Sameer, your solitary comment stunk bad enough to make me run for cover!
BTW, I have a pretty good idea who the anonymous imposter is. It's a clown from Wipro!
Anonymous said…
By the way, I got 93 percentile in CAT this year. I believe this should be enough a reason to keep me away from tormenting you for the entire year cause I'll be too busy preparing for CAT-2006 (or atleast I hope so).
Anonymous said…
but there were two anons!?
Anonymous said…
Oh you poor J!!! You have no idea how professional we BITians have become at pretending and masquerading as someone else. We could put the best spies to shame.

Thank-you dear group, your sacrifice gave us so much to learn.
Deepanjan said…
There were multiple anons. I've lost count of the tribe!
Anonymous said…
how do u know it's not one my kind from SS?

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