It seems Ajay is the only one from our batch to be selected for the Data Archiving project. All my colleagues tried frantically to be relieved from it; it's too mundane, they would say. I didn't have any such reservations and remain inert to the flurry of unfolding events. Anish suggested I personally call up the PM to apply for the project. I didn't want to look too desperate(I still have some pride left!)...and that kept me from heeding.
So I'll remain cozily harbored in my office alcove, at least for some more time!
So I'll remain cozily harbored in my office alcove, at least for some more time!
Thanks for stopping by at my space. Like your page too!!
Keep blogging..
Bon chance avec francais!
Au Revoir
Haha I'm flattered :)
I'm not a french student anymore. That was 4 years ago!! I honestly don't know much french..I can still read it but I've forgotten most of the grammar. It's tough when you lose your touch with a language. I won't be much help if atall any but I wish you all the best with it. It's an awesome language! I still love to hear it when people talk in french :)