Took a bus @ 9:30AM to the Regional Passport Office. As ill luck would it, it was closed. Not having the heart to come again another scorching day, I bought 3 forms @ a premium of Rs.2/- per form from a hawker. Now I know that this is an inadvertent aiding & abetting of a practise that plagues our society, better sense gave way to its pragmatic cousin.It was then off to Park Street where I stopped @ Oxford Bookstore to browse thru the latest music albums. A couple of them (classical & jazz) wereworth a buy, but I had no money to spare on a CD.I showed my way out into the open world ,& in keeping with the nascent spirit bought the current issue of Linux For You. I would have walked into Music World next, but the idea of withstanding the allure of Lady Ella & Stan Getz once again sounded beyond me.So I instead took the Metro to Tollygunge, bought BusinessWorld's latest issue, hopped into an auto & headed home.
Happy the man,and happy he alone, He,who can call today his own; He who,secure within,can say, Tomorrow do thy worst,for I have lived today.