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Showing posts from April, 2019

A thought

Universal literacy has still not been achieved. Far too few people can read. On the other hand, thanks to the near-ubiquity of the Internet, far too many people write. Most of what I get to read is of such poor quality, I wish we could levy a tax on such overconfident but underqualified 'writers' for wasting our time.

Returning to the blogging fold

I'm sick of social media. It's a needless distraction that we can do well without. I'm not abandoning social media altogether though. I'm obliged to using FB because of the Telco Colony group that I had created 9yrs ago. It's a flourishing and enriching forum that has been carefully cultivated over the years. I simply can't forgo it. Thus the refusal to abandon social media in its entirety. I think blogging is far more enriching and creatively challenging. I'll blog for the love of it, not for projecting my ego over others. I don't care who reads or responds to my posts. There is no pressure to agree or disagree with others. It's my universe, my rules. Getting back to some creativity may not come easy though. Age inevitably takes a toll, the fire in your belly rages less intensely and the world just doesn't astound you as much. Still, it's better to wander through my backyard than jump on a stage where everyone is screaming for ephemeral a...