Ritam Banerjee has been a friend of mine since our days in Fergusson College, Pune. Potent enough to usher the hippie culture in India single-handedly (his living conditions could stun anyone!), he never ceased to stand out from the crowd. A maverick photographer (aren’t they all!), he has many accomplishments to his credit by now. He was already a freelancer for TOI Pune (contributing photographs and essays) during our college days and having him read one of his contributions to the paper, I can safely vouch for him. Not only was Ritam good with prose, verse could also be considered one of his fortes – as was proven by an impromptu poem he penned for a couple who got too cozy during a journey by rail. It was the twisty brother-sister remark in the last line that was the real riot. I can’t get it off my mind even today! Ritam has been very promising, and has delivered on them in full measure. I wish him all the best in the years ahead.