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Showing posts from September, 2007

Laptop Insurance? Fiction!

I had been scouring cyberspace and realspace for the past few days to get my laptop insured. My Nokia 6681 finding its way out of my humble dwelling without my knowledge or consent had sped me up the learning curve and I wasn't very emphatic about history repeating itself...this time with my other half-Andromeda. The search results were disappointing. I didn't find mention of any insurance provider for laptops. I did stumble across the following though: Birthright Insurance (WOW!!!) Pedal Cycle Insurance Mobile/Cellular Phone Insurance (DAMN!!!) TV/VCR/VCP Insurance (What about CD/DVD players or amplifiers or reverberators or pre/power-amplifiers or ...?) Householders' Policy-->Public Liability Insurance (this one's a killer!) Householders' Policy-->Plate Glass Insurance (give me a break!!!) I now turned to the trusted Yahoo! Answers to pull me out of my misery. Some folks replied recommending United India Insurance ...though the...

Andromeda's New Visage

Isn't it unconventional? I love it!

Just warming up

If everything goes well, November is when I'll be up and running once again in the wonderful world of blogosphere. People will have continued insights into my thoughtcrimes , get to read longer articles and even chide me for taking Satan's side ;) ! One of the problems that stops me from taking the plunge immediately is the complete loss of solitude. My home resembles a cheap circus every weekend and the paralyzing buzz ends only when Monday arrives. Strangers from nowhere lodge into every available nook-and-corner and my personal space becomes as fictitious as the Unicorn. Had it not been for the negative vibes I give out, I would have long lost the rights to my room. The weekly shock treatment is always a shock no matter how much I try to adjust to my diminished role in our once tranquil home. Strangers freely invade my relatively private room to change...preluded by a strip. So 'stripping strangers' has now become a weekly show that I'm forced to watch! I'm n...

My Desktop

The most beautiful Microsoft product

It's Windows Live Writer . I'm revisiting it after a long time. It's stunningly pretty.

Wide Awake

It's past 1am and I've been continually using Andromeda for the last 7 hours, except for a brief abeyance during dinner! My experience so far has been excellent and I think I've made a very wise choice by avoding the high-end Inspiron. On a totally different note, the English version of Wikipedia crossed the 2 million articles mark a couple of days ago. Amazing success story this.


Just when I was reaching my point of endurance, my DELL Vostro 1000 laptop arrived as my savior! Here's the tragedy: I've got clear instructions from DELL not to unpack the parcel unless someone from there comes to do the initial installation. Can you think of anything more cruel?!

Short term memory does me in again!

Now this is becoming a serious affliction. My short-term memory is so true to its name, I'm actually forgetting how I begin the sentence by the time I near its end! My language constructs are just falling apart! Help, this is a crisis! Can anyone suggest me some memory pills?

Visiting SP Road

Would you like to buy a tyre before buying a car? Okay, I know the analogy is poor but I did buy my first audio CD before buying my first CD player...something that has faded into fond memory from my days in Pune. It was time to do the old trick again. Waiting for my Dell to arrive was becoming very frustrating and after a lot of procrastination I managed to ride pillion to SP Rd to buy some laptop accessories. SP Road, and its immediate vicinity, make up a lot of clustered filth right in the heart of the city. The zig-zag paths double as a drainage system that people have long made peace with. But why visit SP Rd of all places? Because it is to Bangalore what Nehru Place is to New Delhi. I wanted to buy 4 accessories but managed to get just 3. The 4th required some finishing touches but there were no personnel available. And we actually lost our way while trying to locate our parked bike! Luckily, I had snapped a photo of our parking spot (for my blog). Someone helped us zero in based...

Malaysia to India: Painful

I'm annoyed with the way the shipment of my laptop is being handled. There have been enough delays and now I'm being kept in the dark about the status of shipment. My laptop was supposed to be delivered by the 6th (revised from 3rd). The grand day has come and gone but my laptop has yet to surface. Dell India shows no interest in conveying me any message and the notorious way logistics is handled in India is not helping matters much. All I've learnt is that my laptop cleared the customs on the 27th of August. What happened after that is anyone's guess! Here's the funny part: everything was traceable and on time while my Vostro was in Malaysia. All that changed the moment the blessed machine reached Indian shores. Our concept of Space & Time took its toll yet again!

August Lull

Hello, World! It's been a while! August turned out to be a very out-of-the-ordinary month for me. Firstly, I was exceptionally muted in contributing to the blogosphere. Secondly, my sojourn to Kolkata also took me on a 1-day (17th Aug) jaunt to Jamshedpur, my birthplace. It's almost a decade since I was there the last time! The surge of emotions was unparalleled. It would be imbecile of me to even begin describing how wonderful it felt visiting the place that has become a part of me. Correction, Jamshedpur is me! Unfortunately, the weather was rather inclement and I got continually drenched strolling across the locality where I spent the best years of my life. I didn't mind the rain at all. In fact, it added to the fun! I hope to make my visits to Jamshedpur an annual affair. Kolkata wasn't its sleepy self this time as I had a lot of commitments to keep. Meeting friends was a top priority and I fell woefully short. Subhasish badly injured a leg that rendered him immobil...