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Showing posts from September, 2003

Freshers' Party-a siesta fiesta

Hitler's gas chambers must have been more entertaining. I arrived late owing to academic obligations, and thank my stars for not making me endure the entire ordeal of the chaotic party. Lunch was stretched beyond its permissible hours to oblige people like me & I had to make do with the leftovers. It took me some time to realize that the dance arena had been converted into the makeshift dining space & it was this treasured area that I was inadvertently hogging. The organizers were itching to get on with the cultural events & I didn't have the cheek to hold everybody to ransom just to satiate my enormous appetite. The buffet system failed to impress and I was left without a second helping. Hurrying thru my paces, I quickly emptied my plate and vacated the spot. My spurned affair with the culinary delights left me more famished than filled. Meanwhile, Siddharth decided to play second fiddle and assumed a low profile running errands. This was in stark contrast with th...

Blood Donation

Mosquitoes in Ranchi are in a class of their own. They could suck an elephant dry in 30 seconds flat. The female mosquitoes need our protein rich blood to lay their eggs. Some abstinance on their part would make the world a better place to live for the human race. Come evening and a band of jihadi mosquitoes gather in full force in my room. Their belligerence could instil fear into the bravest of hearts. Santosh (my rhinoceros-skinned roommate), the country bumpkin that he is, is seemingly immune to their attacks and remains aloof in his own world. He is the quintessential simpleton and has been the butt of many of my condescending jokes. His phlegmatism even in the face of their (mosquitoes) sustained attacks is phenomenal. The stoic disposition that he assumes could have moved even the Mahatma to tears! Meanwhile, I am left alone in my misery, bracing up for their attacks. The battlelines drawn and the war canon sounded, what ensues is a fierce exchange of swats and bites between t...
Durga Puja is just round the corner and I have already donned the festive air, using it as a pretext for temporal renunciation from academia.

Exemplary Narcissism

Santosh's romantic affair with his own face is a great source of amusement for me. He grooms his hair with a clinical precision that could put brain surgeons to shame! He orients himself in every possible way and looks at the mirror to make sure that everything is in place and moves on to other chores only when he deems himself fit to appear before the Queen of England. These physical self-assessments happen throughout the day and I take the liberty of entertaining myself with the spectacle! Such recreational interludes are definitely more fun than watching grass grow!


I miss Tako. I fondly recall how I pestered my canine buddy whenever I caught him sunbathing on a heap of felled, dried leaves. I wish he could be here.
A few days ago, Mars got up close and personal with Earth . I learn that such rendezvous happen only once every 60,000 years. Wow! I wouldn't miss such a date for the whole world!


Why the hell didn't Shikha reply to any of my mails? Well, I would have loved to make friends with her. Anyway, I take heart in the fact that at least I tried to break the ice! This also proves that she is choosy in picking friends. Good for her! Still, not being acquainted to someone so stunningly beautiful and intelligent, hurts.
Search Engines turn me on! Though Google is easily the best bet, I am emotionally skewed in favour of Alltheweb . The fierce rivalry between them has got the entire industry up & watching. Good luck to both of them!